Monday, October 22, 2012

Leg 4, Oxnard to Catalina Island

BLUEWATER South, Leg 4 departed the Channel Island Harbor Marina in Oxnard, CA enroute to Catalina Island at 4:39 am on Monday Octrober 22, 2012. They moored in Isthmus Cove on Catalina Island 12 hours later at 4:30 pm.

Crew of 3: Mark Barrish, Michael Sevy, Kevin Mulholland
Leg 4 journey from Channel Island Harbor Marina in Oxnard, CA to Isthmus Cove on Catalina Island

Approaching Catalina

Catalina Island

Kevin - Isthmus Cove, Catalina Island
Mark and Kevin - Catalina

View of BLUEWATER in Isthmus Cove, Catalina Island, watching game 7 of NLCS Giants 9 Cardinals 0

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