Sunday, October 21, 2012

Leg 3, Morro Bay to Oxnard

Departure, Kevin

Departure Morro Bay
Leg 3 of BLUEWATER's journey south departed Morro Bay at 4:20 am Saturday October 20th to coincide with slack tide with an eye toward rounding Point Conception safely (i.e. in daylight with lighter winds and calm seas). They arrived at Channel Island Harbor Marina in Oxnard, CA on Sunday October 21st at 7:15 am.

Crew of 5:  Mark Barrish, Lawrence Kerver, Michael Sevy, Kevin Mulholland, Angi Robrock
"Ran into a little kelp in the night"
No luck fishing yet

Mark and Kevin

Michael and Kevin with Point Conception in the background

Mark and Kevin


Angi and the Dragon
Leg 3, Morro Bay to Channel Island Harbor Marina in Oxnard

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