Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Leg 10: San Diego to Ensenada


Monday November 29, 2021

Coronado Yacht Club, San Diego, California, USA

Bluewater is ENROUTE south to México!

Leg 10
Departure Time:  1338 (aka 1:38pm PST) Monday November 29, 2021
Departure from:  Coronado Yacht Club, San Diego, California, USA
4 souls aboard
Lawrence Kerver
Gloria Vilchez
Andrew McMullin
Ryan Bernhardt
Destination:  Ensenada, Baja California, México
Estimated Distance:  70nm give or take (just a guess!)
Estimated Time enroute:  18 hours give or take (another guess!)
Enroute Conditions:  Per Lawrence at 7pm PST:  Thicker than pea soup fog; up to my eyeballs. Look at the mariners warning
Actual Arrival:  0845 Tuesday November 30, 2021


National Weather Service SAN DIEGO CA 1251 PM PST Mon Nov 29 2021 PZZ750-775-300615- Coastal Waters from San Mateo Point to the Mexican Border and out to 30 nm- Waters from San Mateo point to the Mexican Border Extending 30 to 60 nm out including San Clemente Island- 1251 PM PST Mon Nov 29 2021 Areas of dense fog this with visibility 1 NM or less will become more widespread this evening and overnight across the coastal waters. Fog is expected to impact coastal waters, beaches, and harbors through Tuesday morning. Visibility is expected to improve Tuesday morning. Mariners should reduce speeds and be on the lookout for exposed rocks and other vessels, including large ships in the shipping lanes. Use radar or GPS navigation if available, and consider remaining in harbor if such equipment is unavailable.
(Yes they have radar and GPS navigation equipment)
Marine Weather Map for Reference
San Clemente Island is shown but not labeled
I'm never sure where San Mateo Point is - that's why I looked it up!

Ryan manning the grill with a mighty fine looking breakfast
CYC dock, Glorietta Bay, San Diego

Starboard hull looking fwd from galley
Must be Andrew's bunk

Gloria on the dock in front of Bluewater
Coronado Yacht Club dock, Glorietta Bay

Gloria on the aft bench departing San Diego
Looks like the Coronado Bridge is behind her

General map of San Diego Harbor
Bluewater departed CYC dock, Glorietta Bay 1:38pm PST and
stopped for lunch at the Bali Hai Restaurant, Shelter Island

By now you know that I extrapolate some information from Bluewater's travels. Based on texts and photos (with time stamps) from the crew and Lawrence's eventual CRUISING Log, I surmised that they departed from the CYC dock, Glorietta Bay, San Diego at 1:38pm PST. Then they traveled in Bluewater and had lunch at the Bali Hai Restaurant, a chic Polynesian establishment with a dock! located on the northern tip of Shelter Island. From there, they walked to town, purchased a full set of charts to Baja, Sea of Cortez to  Mazatlán. Then they departed San Diego at 4:30pm PST.

Sunset enroute, San Diego

Ryan and Andrew at sunset, San Diego

Lawrence labeled this foggy photo:
"Last view of USA"

Navigational Charts

Gloria sleeping in the salon

Tuesday November 30, 2021

All Saints Bay, Ensenada, México

After sailing through the night in dense, dense fog, Bluewater and crew arrived safely in All Saints Bay where they successfully entered México via Ensenada and secured Visas. Eventually, they even got dock space!

Just before 6am:  Appears to be a cruise ship

Just after 6am



Yellow Q Flag up

Here is stuff I looked up:

International Code Flag "Q" is flown when entering a foreign port (except Canada and a few others) or when returning to a U.S. port from a foreign cruise. It signals to customs and immigration officials that you request clearance. Take it down and replace it with a courtesy flag after formalities are complete.

The "Quebec" signal flag, called the "Yellow Jack", is a simple yellow flag that was historically used to signify a vessel was, or might be, harboring a dangerous disease and needed to be quarantined (it stands for "Q"). However, in modern usage, the flag indicates the opposite, signaling:  "My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique".

Obstacle to the left; cruise ship to the right


Here is a video with Lawrence narrating the entrance to Ensenada, Andrew's on the helm.

Around 9am
Gloria on the bow in the port pulpit

Ryan on the bow near the starboard pulpit

Andrew and a huge cruise ship

Lawrence texted at 10:28am:  Arrived Ensenada Marina Baja Naval.   Waiting for doctor to arrive to provide clearance to leave the boat.

Paperwork Time!

Text from Lawrence just after 1:30pm:

Secretary of Government Immigration 
Port Captain 
Aduana Ensenada 
Medical doctors

We should be good for 180 days. Yeehaw!

Lawrence and Gloria in Ensenada - Lookin' good! Nice sign

Lawrence's CRUISING Log; San Diego to Ensenada, México

Bluewater docked in Ensenada
Lawrence texted:  Q flag down, Mexico courtesy flag up

Andrew and Ryan and a Heart sculpture!

Lawrence sent this photo labeled 'Thought of Mark' with these words:  Had a fun time walking around Ensenada. Tons of photos and interesting sculptures and shopping. lo
Mark said:  Supercool sculpture. Looks like it might have come out of a big smoker.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Leg 9: Oceanside to San Diego


Friday November 26, 2021


Gloria reported Bluewater's departure from Oceanside 0845 today heading south.

Leg 9
Departure Time:  8:45am PST Friday November 26, 2021
Departure from:  Oceanside, CA
2 souls aboard
Lawrence Kerver
Gloria Vilchez
Destination:  San Diego Harbor
Arrival:  before 5pm PST Friday November 26, 2021
Anchored in Glorietta Bay, San Diego

Got a text from Lawrence just after 9am
Full sail, killin it

Bluewater's instruments just after departure (9:07am)
The upper left map shows Bluewater (Catamaran symbol) heading south, south of Oceanside Harbor
Depth is just over 50ft, SOG (Speed over ground) is 8.1kts
Heading is 166 degrees, wind is 18.9 knots, speed is 6.7knots

These photos are from Gloria just after 10am:

Beautiful day for a sail!

Lawrence putting out the screecher on the bowsprit

Lawrence reported dolphins around 10:45am:

Two more photos arrived around 11:15am:

Bluewater heading south with the screecher out

Gloria on the bow heading south aiming for San Diego
Lawrence says:  Put on your life vest!!!!!

Around 1:30pm, Gloria snuck some shots of Lawrence grooming:

View thru the vinyl window

Lookin' good!

Belated Happy thanksgiving! 🍁 

from Gloria Vilchez

Liz/Mark enjoyed the views from
Point Loma Peninsula,
Cabrillo National Monument Park

MEANWHILE....Liz/Mark/Amanda coincidentally flew to San Diego yesterday (Thanksgiving Day, Thurs Nov 25) for a soccer tournament. So Liz/Mark spent today Friday (Nov 26) afternoon enjoying the views from the Point Loma Peninsula trying to sneak a peak of Bluewater entering San Diego Harbor. Spoiler Alert:  We were unsuccessful sighting Bluewater but we immensely enjoyed the views and convinced ourselves many times that we absolutely had Bluewater in our sights!

View looking north around 1:15pm

Looking southwest, Coronado Islands in view
View looking east toward San Diego and the North Island Naval Air Station

View looking west toward the Pacific Ocean
and the Coronado Islands

View looking east toward San Diego Bay

We also paid our respects to the fallen and their relatives from many many wars at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, Point Loma. It was very humbling. 

Selfie facing north from the tip of Point Loma Peninsula
Camera view looking south toward the boats behind us

Sometime around 2pm we were in contact with Lawrence by phone and determined his position to be north of us. We hustled north and then south again and I mean a full speed run in street clothes past all the cars waiting to enter the park. Suffice it to say we saw MANY catamarans and even a few Seawind 1000's but based on later information we did NOT see Bluewater. But we LOVE boats and had fun looking and it was a gorgeous day.

3:45pm This Navy ship #89 was the determining factor in determining that we did not see Bluewater.
Lawrence's view passing this exact ship was taken in a different part of HUGE San Diego Bay.
The Catamaran facing the destroyer has a radar on the mast, different config from Bluewater.

Views and boats galore

Meanwhile, these are the photos I received from Bluewater's journey, pretty close to the correct order but no guarantee.

Dolphin to starboard!

Bluewater's view of Navy Ship #89

Per Wikipedia:  USS Mustin (DDG-89) is an Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer in the United States Navy.  She is named in honor of the Mustin family who has devoted over a century of U.S. Naval service.

Gloria passing downtown San Diego

Bluewater flying the flag approaching the Coronado Bridge

Bluewater looking back at the Coronado Bridge
presumably anchored in Glorietta Bay, San Diego

Bluewater is anchored in Glorietta Bay, San Diego
The Blue locator dot is Bluewater's location

Communication from Lawrence/Gloria comes in MANY forms including emails, phone calls and multiple text strings to various and sundry people. Here are a few snippets from the family - Lawrence and his 8 siblings sending Thanksgiving greetings/summaries. We enjoyed seeing Jean and her in-laws welcome Santa in Michigan (Hi to ALL your in-laws Jean!), watching George deep-fry 3 turkeys in Minnesota (thanks Briar!), considered paying Ron to re-join the crew but he's busy in Michigan freezing in 23 deg F weather bird-watching and hosting family (Hi Barry and Anne!), Kathryn reporting 53 deg F from Houston and Stevo says it's cold!, making fun of B-I-L Steve for STILL not providing dolphin videos from 2015 (When Steve When???), and Lawrence torturing us with the 10 day forecast for Cabo San Lucas. Endless chatter.

Success! You have arrived!

Let's hear some more stories, Lawrence!

Rest up!!!

Saturday November 27, 2021

San Diego

A day in port! I can't remember/find the details but at some point 2 new crew members (Andrew and Ryan) arrived via San Diego Airport and eventually dinghy'd to Bluewater, anchored in Glorietta Bay. I vaguely remember that they re-anchored in a new location and finally secured a dock from Coronado Yacht Club (Thanks to the CYC for the accommodation!)

Gloria and Bluewater:  They scored a dock slip (instead of an anchorage)!

Bluewater in a LARGE slip, CYC
still in Glorietta Bay

View of Bluewater Boathouse Seafood Grill (outlined in white lights) VERY close to the dock
Hotel del Coronado was lit up in the background with changing colors

New crew member Andrew and visitors David & Mark plus Gloria & Lawrence and visitor Liz

Crew members Andrew & Ryan plus David, Mark, Gloria, Lawrence hanging out in the salon
Yours truly (Liz) is taking the photo

Gloria and Lawrence lookin' good in red

Sunday November 28, 2021

San Diego

Another day in port! And more visitors including Liz/Mark/Amanda and soccer teammates plus soccer parents. Welcome aboard!

Lawrence is coming to let us in the gate
Bluewater is still at CYC

Bluewater welcomes visitors

Hello! Nice to meet you!

Amanda's favorite spot topside
Mil, Kiana, Amanda

The soccer clan enjoyed lunch at nearby Bluewater Boathouse Seafood Grill Restaurant while Liz and my rental car took Lawrence to the grocery store for supplies. Ryan was out on a walk and he met us at Vons.

Lawrence selecting supplies

Ryan and Lawrence deciding on groceries

Hey skipper!

Soccer players onboard!  Emilia, Kiana, Amanda

Soccer parents onboard!  Mark, Liz, Ken, Laura and skipper Lawrence

Ryan stowing supplies

Andrew leading a caravan of soccer players - they assisted him as he brought supplies onboard
including propane for cooking! ...and more pillows!

Ryan ready to prep corn for dinner

Andrew with a sly look in the galley

Lawrence Liz Mark Amanda and Bluewater in the distance
Boy Voyage!  I mean:  ¡Buen viaje!, ¡Qué tenga un buen viaje!

Monday November 29, 2021

San Diego

Departure Day!  Next stop, Ensenada México!