Thursday, June 11, 2015

Leg 5, Monterey to Morro Bay

Crew: Mark, Lawrence, Michael, Geoff
Departure Time:  Friday June 5, 2015, approx 8:01pm

Monterey, a nice marina
Geoff, pre-departure

Mark, pre-departure checking weather again

The plan called for an after-dinner departure on Friday night June 5, 2015 from Monterey to ensure good weather along the Big Sur Coast and to avoid impacting the work week more than necessary. Weather in Monterey saw wind at 7 knots from West Southwest, broken clouds and fog/overcast.

Bluewater's route from Monterey to Morro Bay with an overnight anchorage in San Simeon Cove

Geoff and Mark took the first watch from 9pm to midnight. Mark reported, "Wind was on the nose but changed direction close to land. We sailed while it stayed above 7 knots but started the port motor just before waking Lo (Lawrence) at 12 (midnight)."
Geoff on the phone
Michael at the helm, Lawrence taking a bearing with a hand bearing compass

"Michael took over at 3 (am) and when I (Mark) got up at 6 (am) he had a nice heading of about 160 with 9 knots of wind, motor sailing at 6-7 knots. Geoff and I (Mark) are back on watch, lo made coffee and Geoff served the cinnamon rolls. Still mostly gray with a mix of hints of blue and drizzle patches. I saw one whale and I heard a couple of dolphins came to say hello to Michael on his watch. Big rafts of sailor jellies in some spots."

Saturday June 6, 1:00pm
Mark says "The sun is coming out!  12 miles from land and about 20 miles from San Simeon. We should be getting to the area at about 5pm."

Lawrence, 20 miles from San Simeon, owning his Detroit roots
Saturday June 6, 3:12pm
Mark says "Screeching to the finish!"
Lawrence on the bow.
The blue sail is our Screecher (light wind head sail)

Saturday June 6, 5:09pm
Mark says "We passed the lighthouse at Piedros Blancos and should arrive soon at San Simeon cove."

Saturday June 6, 6:13pm arrival
Leg 5 has checked in Safe and sound from San Simeon cove!
They reported their arrival but busied themselves anchoring and the anchor landed on kelp twice before finding good sand in the center of the cove.
Time enroute:  21-3/4 hours
Distance:  106.1nm

Summary from Mark:  It was a beautiful day on the boat with some challenging up-wind sailing in the night and early morning drizzle, a fair amount of swell (luckily going the same direction we were headed so we did a bit of surfing) and some awesome views of the sun breaking through on the mountains of the Big Sur coast. We were again visited by whales but no fish. Everyone really pitched in along the way. Lawrence not only cooked dinner when we arrived (rotini pasta with pesto) but also insisted on doing the dishes. San Simeon cove is gorgeous. It took a couple tries to get the anchor to hold but all seems good now. We are tuckered out and will try to get a somewhat early start tomorrow (Michael is already asleep, Lawrence is nearly there now, I am soon to follow and Geoff will have to turn the lights out when he's ready).

San Simeon Cove with a view of Hearst Castle on the ridge

Departure Sunday June 7, 2015 approx 7:05am from San Simeon Cove.
Route: San Simeon to Morro Bay
Weather:  Calm, glassy, low overcast
As Mark said, "Another beautiful morning in paradise!"
ETA:  2 or 3 this afternoon, or earlier if possible.

Michael at the helm departing San Simeon Cove
Sunday June 7, 7:48am
"We had a pancake breakfast and coffee and just pulled anchor. Glassy calm and a low overcast as we depart from San Simeon enroute to Morro Bay. We hope to arrive about 2-3."

Cambria in the fog

Sunday June 7, 9:24am
"FYI it is now looking like arrival in Morro Bay should be by about 12. Sun is just starting to break through."
Michael in his "Kevin" hat, and Geoff

Sunday June 7, 10:17am:  Someone stole Morro Rock!
From Liz
"I am in Kevin's hospital room. Everyone says hi:  Kevin, Katey, Dave, Teri. Kevin can't wait to see you. He is planning to draw you a sketch of a proper salmon rig."

Sunday June 7, 11:00am
Destination Made!
Total Distance: Monterey to San Simeon to Morro Bay:  131.5 nm
Elapsed Time: 25 hours 40 minutes

Morro Bay Yacht Club dock:  Lawrence, Geoff, Liz (transportation support crew), Michael, Mark

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